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Library Display: The Wall that Heals

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 Show more dates
All Day Event
Wilson Library Lobby
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Sabrina Mora

Last Spring, San Dimas H.E.R.O.E.S. (Helping Establish a Remembrance Of Every Serviceperson) hosted The Wall That Heals, a new, larger exhibit which includes a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.

This travelling exhibit allowed Vietnam veterans and their family members who cannot make it to Washington, D.C. the opportunity to see The Wall. It also provided a teaching moment for younger generation.

And, as it happens with the permanent Wall in Washington D.C., many personal mementos were placed near the names of loved ones that have been carefully saved and preserved.

Over the summer, San Dimas HEROES and the Cultural & Natural Collections collaborated to exhibit some of the artifacts left behind by community members. Recognizing the historical significance of these artifacts, the Wilson Library offered prime space to install these materials.

Please, take a minute to stop by this display and let these items tell you their story.

Location: Library Lobby
